Durban Poison


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The flower equivalent of a cartoon character bonked over the head with a hammer, this popular South African cannabis strain is a well-established favorite of serious cannabis enthusiasts the world over—including Lightshade customers.

Originating in South Africa, Durban Poison was brought stateside in the 1970s by cannabis activist Ed Rosenthal and shared with legendary early adopters like Sam the Skunkman. These days, it’s known as an old-school favorite with heavy-hitting modern appeal.

Up Close Shot of Lightshade Durban Poison Cannabis Strain

Strain Type: Sativa

One of the most famous sativa strains, Durban Poison, is genetic purity at its finest. With 100% sativa genetics, it offers a potent experience that’s a rarity in the hybrid era, summoning intense old-school appeal.

Because it’s a true sativa, you can expect an uplifting ride. You’ll feel energetic, with a tendency towards chattiness and an urge to groove. Break this one out when you need a little extra pep in your step—Durban Poison always brings the sunshine.


Durban Poison is the rarest bird in the cannabis world: a true single-origin strain. Created by nature rather than breeding, this flower’s ancestors can grow naturally in the hills of South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province, bordering the port city of Durban.

South Africans have enjoyed this indigenous strain for generations, but it only made its way to the broader cannabis world in the 70s. Those fond of actual OG consumption experiences will love savoring this heritage strain.

How Does Durban Poison Make You Feel?

High THC levels and a distinctive array of minor cannabinoids mean that Durban Poison comes on strong, with a near-instantaneous onset. As you exhale, you’ll notice a surge of euphoric energy that feels like it is inching up the incline of a roller coaster.

Plunge into the high as your spirits soar, with a happy, bubbly feeling that’ll lift your mood instantly. The stage is great for creativity and running errands, as Durban Poison makes checking off the items on your to-do list feel positively exhilarating.

As the high begins to fade, that energetic espresso boost will diminish, leaving you with a comfortable, blissed-out buzz. Settle into feelings of positivity and lingering good vibes, or light up again to ride that coaster from the top.

THC Potency

Clocking in at an impressive THC level of 24%, Durban Poison is one of the most powerful of the Indigenous landrace strains. This one-two punch of cannabis goodness is purely natural, making the wild ride it provides all the more impressive.

Beginning consumers should start low and go slow with this potent strain, while experienced cannabis fans will savor its impressive impact.

Strain Aromas

The smell of Durban Poison always reminds us of walking through a pine forest. Breathe in, and you’ll notice notes of pure piney, earthy resin with a slight hint of citrus. A lingering wild honey sweetness completes the bouquet.

Strain Flavor

Durban Poison’s flavors are more subtle than some of the engineered strains. It is the cannabis equivalent of an heirloom tomato vs. a packet of ketchup. Expect notes of wet earth, minerals, and verdant green pine with a subtly sweet undertone.

Durban Poison's Most Prominent Terpenes

With fruity and herbal tasting notes, balancing terpinolene creates a lovely blend of euphoric and joyful effects, centering your energy and leaving you refreshed.

Soothing, relaxing myrcene gives this strain its earthy flavor and piney aroma. Its effects are grounding, spreading full-body sensations of ease and relaxation.

Octimene, a rare terpene packed with antioxidants, is valued for its anti-inflammatory powers and uplifting effects. Blasting away stress and sadness, it’s an instant mood improver.

Lightshade Ganjier Zach Recommends Strains like Durban Poison

Love Durban Poison’s pure sativa experience? Lightshade Gangier Zach York has a few more strains to add to your list:

Inspiring flights of creativity, Lucinda Williams is all about uplifting without overwhelm. Let your spirits soar, and don’t be surprised if you’re inspired to break out in song.

Perfect for socializing, going out, or blasting through items on your to-do list, energetic powerhouse White 99 is here to get the job done.

If you’re looking for a sativa-heavy hybrid, Tropicana Banana is a perfect place to branch out. Those indica effects will make you feel like you’re soaking up the tropical sunshine.

Budtender Reviews

With its heritage appeal and powerful effects, Lightshade budtenders love sharing this strain with fellow cannabis connoisseurs. It’s the perfect pairing for days when you’re overwhelmed, inspiring you to get through the dullest errands quickly.

Durban Poison also makes an ideal party strain. Pass it around at your next social gathering, and watch conversation take flight and good vibes prevail. Inspiring feats of creativity and fancy, it’s here for a good time.

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