Stratos Relax Tincture

Stratos 1:1 Relax Tincture

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Doobin with Reuben - Batch Extracts Carts

Batch Extracts 1000mg Cartridges

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Herbalism Herbs

How to Safely Combine Cannabis From a Colorado Dispensary with Medicinal Herbs

Your body can benefit significantly from joining cannabis with medicinal herbs. But there are some things you should know before you include therapeutic plant medicine in a daily wellness regimen.

Cannabis, alone, is a powerful medicinal plant. But countless other medicinal plants can enhance cannabis’ effects – if you understand how to use them. 

Because while every medicinal herb has a practical – and beneficial – application, the practice of herbalism is not without its risks. Some medicinal herbs don’t play well together or with prescription medications; it’s that simple. 

We don’t want to discourage you from exploring the world of cannabis and medicinal herbs, but we want to make sure you have a great experience. 

Let’s get something out of the way first – we’re not healthcare experts or doctors. You shouldn’t’ consider the information contained in this blog, medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional to find out if an herbalism practice is safe and effective for you. Or consider reaching out to our friends at Leaf411, a first-of-its-kind cannabis nurse hotline (844-LEAF411). 

Let’s start with some basics.

“Human beings have been tapping into the incredible power of plant medicines for thousands of years. Cannabis is but one of these medicines.” – 1906

What is herbalism?

Herbalism is the ancient practice of using medicinal herbs to treat minor ailments and diseases. Because every plant produces chemical compounds (cannabis cannabinoids, for example), many of which have therapeutic properties. 

You’ve probably encountered medicinal plants before, like Echinacea during cold and flu season or St. John’s Wort to treat anxiety and depression naturally. Healing herbs are commonplace today. 

Still, there’s a prevailing misconception about medicinal plants and the use of natural products, in general. People assume because something’s ‘natural,’ it’s safe. Nature isn’t benign – many plants have defense mechanisms that can adversely affect humans. 

Hemlock and nightshade are excellent examples; both are deadly to people. And while most medicinal herbs in combination with cannabis (or other plant medicines) won’t kill you, they can sometimes produce undesirable effects.

Here are a few precautions you should take before selecting herbal supplements:

  • Learn as much as you can about the herbs you’re taking by consulting a physician or herbalist. 
  • Follow label instructions carefully and adhere to the prescribed dosage if you are already using herbal supplements. Don’t exceed the recommended dosage, and find information about how you should – and shouldn’t – take the supplement. 
  • We suggest you work with a professional. Seek out a trained and licensed herbalist or a naturopathic doctor with extensive herbal training. 
  • Look out for side effects. Reduce dosage, or stop taking any herbal supplement if you encounter symptoms like dizziness, headaches, upset stomach, or nausea. 
  • Watch for allergic reactions. If you have a severe allergic reaction or are having trouble breathing, call 911 for immediate help. 
  • Not all herbal supplement manufacturers are created equal; only choose products from reputable manufacturers.
  • If you’re consuming edibles or tinctures with a combination of cannabis and medicinal herbs, 1906 Midnight chocolates (which includes corydalis), for example, don’t exceed the recommended dosage, and ensure you aren’t sensitive to the product’s combination of herbs before consuming.

It might be possible to link the benefits of herbs that share similar phytochemicals with cannabis or with herbs that produce similar effects with comparative pharmacodynamics.

Here are some common medicinal herbs we think you should know:


Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal plant often used in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s a proven adaptogen, which means the root can help your body respond better to stress. Traditional Ayurvedic practitioners use ashwagandha to promote concentration and focus and boost energy naturally. 

Holy Basil

Holy Basil can help you fight stress (it might also be a decent acne-fighter). Like Ashwagandha, Holy Basil is an ancient Ayurvedic medicinal herb. It reduces cortisol, a stress hormone, and is anti-diabetic. Holy Basil is also sometimes called Tulsi. 


Lavender is commonly known as an herb that promotes relaxation, and with a pleasant aroma, the herb is also great for massage and aromatherapy. Lavender and cannabis have a terpene in common: linalool. When combined with cannabis, linalool is a potent muscle relaxant. It also reduces pain sensitivity. Adding lavender oil to a cannabis topical amplifies the herb’s pain-fighting and relaxing qualities. 


Echinacea has compounds similar to CBD, which means, in basic terms, Echinacea has a positive effect on our endocannabinoid system. It’s also often used to cure the common cold, reduce inflammation, and is an antioxidant. 


Chamomile is a well-known herb people commonly associate with tea. The herb can help relieve stress, headaches, anxiety, indigestion, depression, and insomnia. Combining cannabis and chamomile ensures a good night’s sleep. 

California Poppy

Native American tribes from across California have used California Poppy for centuries as a calming agent. And while there isn’t an overwhelming amount of research and information surrounding California Poppy, traditional herbalists swear by it for the support it provides to our entire nervous system.

We suggest that you reach out to a licensed herbalist or healthcare professional before exploring the world of plant medicine, but, in general, including more plants in your daily life is a sure-fire way to promote improved health.

Nokhu Live Rosin gummies - Doobin wth Reuben Drouughns

Nokhu Labs Live Rosin Gummies

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ReCreate White Chocolate Peppermint Bark

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ReCreate Pomegranate Mojito

Pomegranate Mojito with Recreate Everyday Tincture


  • Ice
  • Lime
  • Pomegranate Seeds
  • Pomegranate Juice
  • Mint
  • Limonata Sanpellegrino
  • ReCreate Everyday Tincture


  • Add ice to a rocks glass
  • Add pomegranate juice, a squeeze of lime, and mint
  • Sprinkle in some pomegranate seeds
  • A few drops from your ReCreate Everyday Tincture
  • Finish with a splash of the Limonata Sanpellegrino

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Ripple Gummies

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ABV Joint Packs

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1906 Midnight Chocolates

1906 Midnight Chocolates

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